绝版现货Prime 1 Studio MMTFM05OP 变形金刚5 钢索锁 擎天柱
- 作品地区:美国
- 分类:汽车人
- 汽车人名称:钢锁
- 商品属性:主体
- 颜色分类:全新未拆封钢索不含擎天柱
- 品牌:Prime
- 模型级别:终级Ultimate
- 适用年龄:14周岁以上
- 出售状态:现货
- 尺寸:40CM以上
- 系列:2014电影版
- 是否有导购视频:无
钢锁全身89CM长 x 35CM宽 x 60CM高,
擎天柱全身高约29CM, 另附有多个可替换部件以及3把光剑。
Prime 1 Studio is proud to present MMTFM-05 Grimlock & Optimus prime Transformers Statue,The ultimate team up! Together in battle for the Epic final confrontation to save the human race from extinction.
MMTFM-05 Grimlock & Optimus Prime Version specially features:
- Approximately 89cm L x 35cm W x 60cm H (without Optimus Prime)
- LED eyes light up function
- LED Mouth light up function
- LED Base light up function
Accessories include :
- Autobots Emblem Stand with light up function.
Optimus Prime Statue Features:
- Approximately 22cm L x 21cm W x 29cm H
- Semi articulate upper torso.
Accessories include :
- One (1) Switchable Leg Stand version
- One (1) Switchable Leg Ride version
- One (1) Shield
- One (1) Switchable point sword version
- One (1) Switchable regular sword version
-NO LED light up function for Optimus prime Statue.
- Production sample shown.
- Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.
最近销售:0 掌柜:赪竼素材¥30 元
最近销售:0 掌柜:玩具榜单10w 十¥45 元